Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 06.04.2021     Updated At: 08.04.2021

Online Open Days 2021 at the Silesian University of Technology

We invite you to participate in the Silesian University of Technology Online Open Days 2021, which will take place from 12 to 14 April. The event is addressed to all people interested in taking advantage of the wide offer of studies and forms of modern education at the Silesian University of Technology. Join and discover the potential of a research university!

“Open Days at the Silesian University of Technology” is a unique opportunity to learn more about the activities of one of the largest technical universities in the country. Meeting with members of the University's academic community is possible without leaving home! The event will be broadcast live via the YouTube channel of the Silesian University of Technology on 12, 13 and 14 April from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

What is happening at the Silesian University of Technology and how you can develop your knowledge and interests during your studies will be discussed by representatives of the University authorities, students, members of scientific student associations and scientists.

Candidates for studies will also be able to learn more about the principles and process of recruitment.

The program of the Online Open Days 2021 at the Silesian University of Technology:

12 April

  • Invitation to the Open Days - speech of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, professor Arkadiusz Mężyk, PhD, DSc.
  • Film presentation of the University;
  • Why is it worth studying at the Silesian University of Technology? - a conversation between students and the representative of the University Authorities;
  • A bit of history - how the Silesian University of Technology was established;
  • Silesian University of Technology in numbers;
  • The student does not live by learning alone - students talk about the advantages of studying;
  • Presentations of the faculties of the Silesian University of Technology.

13 April

  • Develop your passions - a meeting with the representatives of scientific student associations, who will tell you how to combine scientific development with your interests;
  • Film presentation of projects from the scientific student associations of the Silesian University of Technology;
  • A university without borders - who studies at our university and why - a meeting with the international community of the Silesian University of Technology;
  • A bit of culture! - an engineer can also be an artist - zoom on students’ creativity;
  • In a healthy body - the Silesian University of Technology stands also for sport - about students' sporting successes and achievements;
  • Presentations of the faculties of the Silesian University of Technology.

14 April

  • Secrets of the recruitment system - what to do to become a student of the Silesian University of Technology. Live meeting presenting the recruitment rules for candidates from Poland and abroad, with the possibility of asking questions in the chat; Your questions will be answered by the staff of the Studies Service Centre, including the Admission Office section.

Study with passion! Silesian University of Technology invites you!

(Movie in Polish)

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