POB5 Meetings with industry – Astor company
On April 22, at 2:00 pm, a conference will be held as part of the "Meetings with Industry" series of Priority Research Area 5: process automation and Industry 4.0. The Astor company will be the partner and guest of the event.
Activities and proposals for joint research, projects, as well as training and education will be presented by Małgorzata Hadwiczak, Director of ASTOR. The online event program also includes a virtual tour of the ASTOR Innovation Room and a presentation of the ASTOR Robotics Center. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion.
The meeting will be held via the Zoom platform (Meeting ID: 959 4742 5688 Passcode: 186025).
Please visit the POB5 website, where the updated calendar is available https://events.polsl.pl/pob5/