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Scientific Seminar within POB1
On February 24, a seminar will be held with the participation of prof. Arkadiusz Gertych from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. The meeting is organized within POB1: Computational Oncology and Personalized Medicine.
Prof. Arkadiusz Gertych from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles) will give a lecture on "Computational pathology - a deep tumor learning approach to support patient outcomes prediction in personalized medicine". The meeting will be chaired by prof. Ewa Piętka.
The seminar will be held on February 24, 2021 at 4 p.m. via the Zoom platform (Meeting ID: 928 7894 0094, Passcode: 303326).
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Santander Universidades to jeden z fundamentów społecznego zaangażowania Banku Zachodniego BZWBK oraz Grupy Santander.

Santander Universidades to jeden z fundamentów społecznego zaangażowania Banku Zachodniego BZWBK oraz Grupy Santander.