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Author: System Published at: 08.09.2020 Last update: 05.03.2021

Call for applications for financial support for research in the new topics

Please be advised that in accordance with Ordinance No. 33/2020 of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology of March 4, 2020 on the pro-quality competition for support in order to start scientific activity in a new research topic, as part of the Initiative of Excellence - Research University programme, applications are accepted until September 30 for people starting their research activity in a new research topic, not related to the master's thesis and doctoral dissertation and not financed from external sources.

The competition is addressed to young scientists within the meaning of the Law on Higher Education and Science, including doctoral students of the Silesian University of Technology.

The reported research activity should fall within the priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology.

Grants are awarded in the amount of up to PLN 12,000 gross for a period of 18 months. The grant can finance, inter alia, a publication in a scientific journal included in the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, participation in an international or national conference (after accepting a reviewed, full text of a paper), costs related to an internship at a foreign research centre, publishing a monograph and purchase of scientific equipment or materials necessary to conduct research.

Applications must be submitted to the Scientific Research Bureau by September 30. Additional information is available at tel. 32 237-22-05.


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