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The International Student Scientific Conferences TalentDetector from 9 edition (since 2018) have been a place for the exchange of experience, knowledge, skills and presentation of students' current scientific achievements in the field of materials engineering, surface engineering, biomaterials and biomedical engineering. As part of the conference, two international scientific monographs, TalentDetector_Summer and TalentDetector_Winter, are published annually, which already contain over 500 scientific articles resulting from the implementation of PBL, EURECA PRO, Students Scientific Circle projects, Erasmus+, International Visegrad Fund and projects with secondary school students with international authors. Participation in the form of presentations and posters in TalentDetector International Student Scientific Conferences allows members of the project teams to integrate the student and scientific community of the Silesian University of Technology as well as young staff from foreign research centers in Austria, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Georgia, Iran, Slovakia, Ukraine and Turkey, dealing with topics related to materials technologies.

Scientific monographs are prepared based on articles, mostly with international authors, reviewed by an international scientific committee.

The initiative of the cyclical organization of the International Student Scientific Conference TalentDetector significantly expands activities in the field of student education, organizational and popularization activities for the scientific community related to materials engineering at the national and international level.

Thanks to extensive international cooperation, over 160 articles were published free of charge.

The history of TalentDetector in numbers:

TalentDetector 2019 (Gliwice)
Number of articles: 59
Number of authors: 206
Number of countries: 1

TalentDetector2021_Winter (Gliwice)
Number of articles: 37
Number of authors: 134
Number of countries: 2
TalentDetector2021_Summer (Zawiercie)
Number of articles: 57
Number of authors: 173
Number of countries: 3

TalentDetector2022_Winter (Gliwice)
Number of articles: 79
Number of authors: 179
Number of countries: 4
TalentDetector2022_Summer (Wisła)
Number of articles: 79
Number of authors: 176
Number of countries: 4

TalentDetector2023_Winter (Gliwice)
Number of articles: 73
Number of authors: 143
Number of countries: 6
TalentDetector2023_Summer (Brenna)
Number of articles: 105
Number of authors: 173
Number of countries: 9

TalentDetector2024_Winter (Gliwice)
Number of articles: 82
Number of authors: 135
Number of countries: 7
TalentDetector2024_Winter (Gliwice-Zilina)
Number of articles: 84
Number of authors: 147
Number of countries: 8
Number of cooperating universities: 11
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Gebze Technical University, Gebze, Turkey
Georgin Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Khmelnitskyi National University, Khmelnitskyi, Ukraine
Laserinstitut Hochschule Mittweida, Mittweida, Germany
Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey
Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Trnava, Slovakia
Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen, Slovakia
University of Pristina, Pristina, Kosovo
University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia

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