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The International Seminary TalentDetector2024_Summer – 3-day meeting at a laboratories, science centres and in hotel in Gliwice. Presentations of common interests, knowledge competitions, integration meetings, learning about the history of Poland and Slovakia on expeditions around the old city. Discussion on social and cross-border issues with invited international guests. The seminar will include lectures and discussion panels with scientific authorities. Participants will be able to present their scientific and social projects at the oral and poster sessions. There will be an integration meeting devoted to the history of the regions the participants come from and a joint miner feast. During the afternoon classes, there will be a visit to nearby attractions such as the silver mine in Tarnowskie Góry and the museum of history of industry on Silesian region. Materials from the seminar in the form of concise studies by individual teams will be published in a monograph (each participant will receive a book with a monograph) and transferred to the publicly available library system. During the seminar, proposals for further cooperation within the established teams will be prepared and forms of broad promotion of international Visegrad Fund projects among pupils, students and graduates of fields related to materials engineering will be developed. Information about the tasks carried out in the project will be disseminated by youth and accompanying persons via social media and at seminars organized online.

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