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The TalentDetector2024 will feature a world class technical programme showcasing the latest developments of structural and functional materials, providing social events and Conference dinner, to promote networking opportunities within the material scientist community.

This event will attract academics and personnel from companies to share their knowledge regarding material science.

The programme of plenary, oral and poster presentations will focus on the following topics:

  • Structural materials: application of traditional and advanced alloys such as steels and light alloys, heat resistant alloys, tool materials
  • Surface engineering: traditional and advanced surface engineering, PVD, CVD, laser surface treatment, etc…
  • Advanced characterization techniques: Electron microscopy, muon spin spectroscopy, instrumentation etc…
  • Computational materials science: Finite element methods, density functional theory, MC, etc…
  • Advanced Powder Metallurgy: Powder characterization, MIM, Near net shape hip, AM (laser and directed energy deposition, Binder Jetting, powder modification and coatings)

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