- Participation in the offline (traditional) conference 500 EUR (2315 PLN)
- Participation in the traditional conference 400 EUR (1850 PLN) for: BSc, MSc & PhD students; accompanying person
Participation in the online conference: 200 EUR (925 PLN). Payment for the offline conference includes participation in the conference, full board, accommodation at a hotel, integration meetings and official dinner, publication costs, coach travel, excursions, organization costs. Payment for the online conference includes participation in the conference, publication costs one article in the conference proceedings (regardless of the number of authors), conference proceedings, organization costs. An additional fee 200 EUR (925 PLN) is required to publish additional article.
An additional message about using the ZOOM software, which will be the primary video conferencing, will be sent to online participants. Please transfer money to the account at:
ING Bank Śląski S.A. O Gliwice
PL 68 1050 1230 1000 0023 6055 5748 (transfer in EURO)
IBAN PL 60 1050 1230 1000 0002 0211 3056 (transfer in PLN)
SWIFT: INGB PL PW with postscript
„Conference TP’2025 – name and surname of participant”