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International Staff Training Week 2021
International Relations Office Foreign Languages Centre have great pleasure to invite you to Silesian University of Technology International Staff Training Week 2021
Theme: “International Learning – Innovative Educational Practices ”
October 18th – 22nd 2021, Gliwice, Poland
Dear Partners and Colleagues,
We have the pleasure to invite international relation officers, university educators, professors and lecturers interested in innovative educational practices in HE sector to our SUT International Staff Training Week 2021 which will be taking place in Gliwice, Poland during October 18 – 22, 2021.
The programme will offer seminars, workshops, presentations and discussion panels in the following thematic areas:
promoting various forms of interaction in online education
sustainable and inclusive approaches to complement and reinforce traditional form of mobility
disseminating good practices in implementing CLIL in HE sector
involving students in scientific research activities
project development processes
- the relevance of VE and telecollaboration in fostering engagement among learners and educators in the pandemic crisis.
- communicating and collaborating across cultures
international cooperation – institutional support
The idea of the SUT International Staff Training Week is to learn from each other, so we encourage all the international participants to present and share their good practices and project results.
The SUT International Staff Training Week will include networking with the faculty and staff of the Silesian University of Technology. The participants will also have the opportunity to discover the SUT campus and explore the region.
Registration form for online sessions
SUT-ISTW-October-2021-Preliminary-Programme-4.pdf (

Pokaż wszystkieWspółpraca:

Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia to pierwsza metropolia w Polsce składająca się z 41 miast i gmin, w których mieszka 2,3 mln mieszkańców.

Radan Sp. z o.o. to firma z branży budowlanej specjalizująca się w budownictwie wielomieszkaniowym oraz zabudowie jednorodzinnej.

APA Group to przedsiębiorstwo, które jest liderem na rynku inteligentnej automatyki przemysłowej i systemów zarządzania budynkami.

Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA to strefa obejmująca grunty w 40 gminach województwa śląskiego, małopolskiego i opolskiego.

Katowice Airport to międzynarodowy port lotniczy, dysponujący jedną z najdłuższych dróg startowych dostępnych w Polsce,