A A+ A++

Authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in the Technical Programme. These should be of original and unpublished work. Papers can be allocated to oral and poster sessions depending on authors’ wishes and commettee judgement .

When assessing submitted papers, the Organizing Commettee will consider:

  • The originality and novelty of the subject
  • Critical study of a process
  • Soundness of the results and conclusions 

Paper Submission

Paper should be submitted using the email to miroslaw.bonek@polsl.pl till May 24th, 2024.

Please note papers submitted after May 24th, 2024 will not be accepted.

Papers can be submitted on the following topics:

  • Structural materials: application of traditional and advanced alloys such as steels and light alloys, heat resistant alloys, tool materials
  • Surface engineering: traditional and advanced surface engineering, PVD, CVD, laser surface treatment, etc…
  • Advanced characterization techniques: Electron microscopy, muon spin spectroscopy, instrumentation etc…
  • Computational materials science: Finite element methods, density functional theory, MC, etc…
  • Advanced Powder Metallurgy: Powder characterization, MIM, Near net shape hip, AM (laser and directed energy deposition, Binder Jetting, powder modification and coatings)

The Organizing Commettee after that date, will evaluate the received contributions and give the individual authors the assessment regarding the acceptance of the work by June 3th, 2024.

Publication of conference articles:

Works of the Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials:

  • Monograph of the TalentDetector2024_Summer International Students Scientific Conference

article template

poster template

prezentation template

Conference fee 500 zł
(including participation in the conference, publication of a scientific article, training materials)

Author Deadlines

01/05/2024: Paper Submission Opens

24/05/2024: Paper Deadline

10/05/2024: Author Payment Deadline

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